

GETECH Intelligent Warehouse Management Systems

Digitalized WMS, mobile operation, integrated application solutions

Pain Points

1、Chaotic placing of materials in warehouse, difficulty in picking goods

2、Unclear signposts, operation rely on individual experience, material shipment prone to mis- or under-delivery

3、Delayed records cause inconsistencies between records and reality, low inventory accuracy rate

4、 Insufficient FIFO management causes unnecessary dead stock

5.Unscientific picking and dispatching routes induce higher handling costs and labor costs

Core Strength

  • Flexibility
    Can adapt to different business scenarios, freely scalable inventory management
  • Bar-coding Management
    Real-time data collection and error-proofing using hardware devices, quality traceability.
  • Goods Incoming/outgoing suggestions that can improve operational efficiency and reduce reliance on human experience
  • Highly extendable and compatible systems; microservice architecture; low development costs of the low code platforms


Intelligent Warehouse Mgmt. Based on GETECH’s WMS

Client: An electronic communication company
The management system of the client’s warehouse and logistics department used to use both ERP bookkeeping and manual bookkeeping, which required a dedicated bookkeeping staff. The front-line warehouse staff relied on manual recording of in/outbound goods, which were prone to errors. The materials were diverse, and their management required experienced and specialized personnel. The loose material management often resulted in long period of search in the warehouse when picking materials, greatly reducing picking efficiency. The inventory reports, depending on manual records, were often inconsistent with reality.

1 use mobile terminals to record real-time info. of material in-outcomings
2 In the prior divided storage sections, the system recommends incoming materials based on the utilization rate of the storage capacity. Outbound shipment follows the FIFO principle. The optimal path is planned to help employees pick goods quickly, improving picking efficiency and reducing reliance on employee experience.
3 can check on kit completeness to avoid mis- or under- delivery
4 real-time, multi-dimensional inquiry to inventory info. by the warehouse location, material types, special inventory identification and so on

Functional Modules


Complete coverage of bar code management including locations, containers and items, operation guided by accurate positioning, reduced operation errors, improved material sending efficiency

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