

GETECH Big Data Platform

one-stop data intelligent platform that focuses on industrial big data, and helps enterprises with data aggregation, data development and data governance, and finally provides data service

Basic Engine Platforms | Data Development Platforms | Data Governance Platforms | Data Service Platforms | Data Analysis Platforms | Data Visualization Platforms

Pain Points

1、Difficulty in Data Collection

Weak ability in industrial equipment data collection, operation and management data not visible and not available

2、Data Criteria Not Unified

Data criterion not unified between systems, difficulty in implementing digitalization

3、Poor Data Timeliness

The time lag of data collection cannot meet development demands

4、Low Data Reuse Capabilities

The demand of process synchronization cannot be met by the single dimensional data analysis and application of a single business system

Core Strength

  • Focus on Industrial Applications
    Focus on industrial big data and its monetization, accumulated experience on industrial middle-office from the abundant manufacturing scenarios of TCL
  • Mature and Practical Solutions
    With the aim of fixing the pain points of industrial manufacturing, we have accumulated a set of integrated 1+1+N industrial digitalization solutions (1 methodology+ one set of products+ N types of applications) and can help to ensure its successful implementation.
  • One-Stop Platform Deployment
    Integrated platform design system that includes aggregation, development, mgmt., service and visualization, high adaptation and compatibility, can be seamlessly connected to mainstream big data storage and computing platforms
  • Strong Technical Support
    Micro-service architecture design, “low coupling, high cohesion”, compatible with enterprises’ original IT systems, lowered data middle office construction cost

Application Scenarios

5G Intelligent Factories

Data warehousing, ETL development, meta-data mgmt., data governance, data service, data visualization

Data Governance

Establish a complete governance system: data metrics, data quality, life cycle, metadata law, data security and more


A Middle Office Project for a Business Group

Client: a semiconductor industry

This enterprise used to have such problems as unspecified data owners, unregulated data development, lack of data standards, no unified modeling, and difficulty in understanding data.
A wide variety of transaction systems, which stored the basic transaction data, were independent of each other, forming data silos and making it difficult to function jointly. Data development was difficult and slow, data sharing was difficult because of a lack of data management system.

The solution of data middle office provided by GETECH has helped the enterprises to make and implement data standard. The one-stop, configurable and standardized data development process has improved the efficiency of data development. Real-time monitoring of data quality and an early warning mechanism has helped enterprises identify quality problems and adjust quickly. Multiple requirements require only one service interface, which has improved data reuse rate and promoted data sharing.

A Data Governance Project

Client: a semiconductor display panel enterprise

A semiconductor company used to have the following problems: all its business segments were generating data, but the shareability, reusability and availability of the data were not high; business data accumulation lagged the actual business in terms of standardization, timeliness, and completeness; the usability of management analysis reports, coming from low-quality business data, was poor.

The data middle office solution provided by GETECH has turned data into asset. The data is now quick to be viewed and its value easily perceived, thus providing comprehensive support for enterprise transformation and value-adding development. Through data quality supervision from multiple parties before, during and after business processes, data owners are urged to improve data quality and availability. Data assets are shared to monitor data consumption and effectively improve data asset reuse rate. The solution monitors data quality, regulates data standards, and manages data consumption during the whole process of data generation, use, and destruction.

Intelligent Quality Inspection of a Smart Factory

Client: a semiconductor display panel enterprise

A semiconductor factory used to have difficulty in data collection. Relying mainly on "sampling” for quality inspection and obtaining insufficient inspection data, it was unable to carry out comprehensive quality control, thus letting anomalies flow to the next process.

The middle office solution provided by GETECH has solved the problem of data collection by aggregating data from FDC/EDC/PMS to the middle office. Real-time streaming data served as the base for virtual data measurement, which completes virtual measurement process and facilitates real-time prediction. The dirty and invalid data in the equipment systems will be excluded in the middle office by data quality detection, a process that can support the upper layer applications to quickly obtain the correct prediction and analysis results.


Client: an enterprise from the field of electrical control and energy saving

The enterprise used to have the following problems: business data lacked intuitive graphical display, hindering the effective presentation of business status and slowing down information exchange; business personnel relied on IT staff to visualize data, which was costly and inefficient; statistical charts impossible to be related unless each item was independently configured, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The middle office solution provided by GETECH, through its multi-faceted visual analysis of data, has comprehensively displayed the enterprise status and assisted in efficient decision-making. Decision makers can monitor the enterprise data in real time through charts and respond quickly to changes to improve work efficiency.

Functional Modules


It is a one-stop code development platform based on the concept of configurability. It consists of data integration, offline development, real-time development, algorithm development, project management and other modules to support IT staff to process data rapidly.

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