Intelligent solutions for intermittent assembly industry
1、Pain Points in Order Mgmt. and Production-sale Coordination
The enterprises in 3C industry are dealing with a high number of consumers. The ways to obtain orders, mainly manually via websites, emails and Wechats, require large amounts of human labor to collect, transcribe, register and follow orders, which is low in efficiency. Moreover, the poor coordination between production and sales causes frequent fluctuations of sales orders, which in turn affects production side and brings high employee turnover and low operation efficiency.
2、Pain Points in Supply Chain Coordination
The lack of coordination between procurement, suppliers and production causes long purchasing period, high purchasing costs and inefficient supplier mgmt. The uncontrolled material inventory, sluggish material supply and high inventory stock can severely affect the production delivery date, overall operation cost and efficiency.
3、Pain Points in Manufacturing Execution
The production processes in 3C electronics industry include the sheet metal fabrication, the injection molding, PCBA, the electronic parts and the final assembly. The sheet metal fabrication, relying mainly on equipment, is typified by the problem of equipment data silos and frequent equipment downtime. The efficiency is low because of a lack of online monitoring system. The injection molding process has the problem of data silos between injection machines and molds, with long mold changing times. There are also severe equipment data silos problems during PCBA and electronic parts process, in which the rate of AOI misjudgment is high. The final production process mainly relies on manual operation which requires highly on employees and error-proof measures. The core demands of manufacturing are the whole-process mgmt., quality trackability, error-proof measures and employee mgmt.
4、Pain Points in Equipment and Energy Mgmt.
The equipment interconnection level in 3C industry is low which leads to insufficient EHM. A lack of predictive analysis and frequent downtime lead to low equipment utilization rate. Moreover, a lack of energy and carbon neutral mgmt. make accurate energy mgmt. and energy saving beyond reach.